The Law Offices of Joe Bornstein is proud to showcase the winning artwork from our annual Arrive Alive Creative Contest.
Now in its 21st year, we’ve received over 1,400 entries from more than 125 high schools in Maine. Each year, the submissions get more and more creative, innovative, and impactful!
We’ve gathered over 70 of the top paintings and drawings and created a traveling exhibit that depicts the decisions teenagers face when behind the wheel. The exhibit is scheduled to travel to schools, libraries, malls, and other venues for the public to view.
Our attorneys see firsthand the effects of dangerous driving, which is why we started the Arrive Alive Creative Contest in 2005. Our goal is to celebrate the wonderful artwork we’ve collected over the past 20 years and use the creativity of these high school graduates to influence drivers of all ages in all corners of Maine.
If you’d like more information on how you can host this traveling exhibit and help promote safe driving practices, please contact us at [email protected] or 207-CALL-JOE (207-225-5563).