Dear Parents,
As personal injury attorneys and parents, we are aware of the dangers of drinking and driving and the dangers of distracted driving. We have repeatedly urged our children to make wise decisions so that they will “Stay Safe and Arrive Alive” and hope that you do the same.
In an effort to put an end to teenage drinking and driving and teenage distracted driving, the Law Offices of Joe Bornstein has created the Arrive Alive Creative Contest. The contest is open to graduating high school seniors statewide, and first-place winners receive a brand new laptop. Second and third-place winners receive a new iPad, and everyone who enters wins fun prizes from our law firm including trucker hats, t-shirts, coffee mugs and more.
Entries can be submitted online, via mail, or dropped off at one of our seven office locations in Sanford, Biddeford, Portland, Windham, Lewiston, Augusta and Bangor. Should your teenager decide to drop off his or her creative project in person, please call ahead to schedule a time to do so.
Each year communities in Maine are devastated by tragic driving accidents. Thank you for helping send the message to teenagers:
“Stay Safe – Arrive Alive!”
The Law Offices of Joe Bornstein